Property building in Bay Breeze Inn

Bay Breeze Inn


Bay Breeze Innへようこそ!カリフォルニア州オークランドの中心に位置する、あなたの快適な隠れ家です。賑やかな市中心部からわずか4.1マイルの距離にあるこの魅力的な2つ星モーテルは、あなたの冒険の完璧な出発点です。料金はわずか$71から始まり、財布に優しい快適さを楽しむことができます。清潔な客室にはエアコンが完備されており、快適に過ごせます。また、無料Wi-Fiがあるので、旅行の話をリアルタイムで共有できます!

便利なアメニティとして、ルームサービス、無料のトイレタリー、そして探索の一日を終えた後にリラックスできる素敵な庭があります。車でお越しの場合でも、駐車場の心配はいりません。Bay Breeze Innでは、ストレスのない滞在を実現するために、(少額の追加料金で)敷地内の駐車オプションを提供しています。24時間対応のフロントデスクは、到着した瞬間からあなたを自宅のように感じさせるために、常にお手伝いする準備が整っています。

178件以上のレビューがあり、ゲストはその体験を絶賛しています!多くの方が明るいスタッフとモーテルの禁煙ルームを評価しており、リラックスできる環境が整っています。さあ、荷物をまとめて、カリフォルニア州の太陽の下で快適さと手頃な価格が出会うBay Breeze Innでの思い出に残る滞在の準備をしましょう!

Bedroom, Bed in Bay Breeze Inn
Bedroom, Bed in Bay Breeze Inn


King Room in Bay Breeze Inn


1 キングサイズベッド


150 平方フィート






Double Room with Two Double Beds in Bay Breeze Inn


2 ダブルベッド


150 平方フィート

ルーム - クイーンベッド2台





Queen Room in Bay Breeze Inn


1 クイーンサイズベッド


150 平方フィート







Bay Breeze Innでは、すべての旅行者が自分の雰囲気に合ったスペースを見つけることができます! 一人旅、カップル、または家族全員での旅行に関係なく、快適な部屋の中から選んでください。ダブルルームとキングルームは、機能性と贅沢さを兼ね備えた理想的な選択肢です。広々としたレイアウトは、選択肢によっては最大4人の大人または3人の子供を収容できるため、誰もがリラックスして過ごすことができます。休暇には広々としたベッドが必要だと考える方には、デラックスルームとデラックスキングルームが最適で、ふかふかのキングサイズベッドがあなたを心地よい眠りへと導いてくれます。

しかし、まだまだあります! もし仲間と一緒に訪れるなら、2つのダブルベッドがあるファミリールームは、広々としたスペースを提供し、お互いの存在を気にせずに楽しむことができます。愛する人たちを楽しませたり、思い出を作ったり、または興奮に満ちた一日の後に一緒にリラックスして楽しんだりしてください。さまざまな部屋タイプにわたる151平方フィートのよく設計されたスペースは、一緒にいる時も一人の時も、コーヒーや良い本を片手にくつろげる居心地の良い隅を見つけることができます。すべては、家庭の必需品の快適さを楽しみながら。

そして、素晴らしい夕方の散歩を忘れないでください! オークランドの活気ある地域を探索した後は、快適な椅子に座ってカリフォルニアの太陽を浴びてください。いつでも手助けしてくれるフレンドリーなスタッフがいるので、楽しい日々はBay Breeze Innでのリラックスした夜とともに過ごせます。だから、ただ滞在を計画するのではなく、快適さ、新しい友情、そして忘れられない瞬間で満たされた冒険にしましょう!

Property building in Bay Breeze Inn
Property building in Bay Breeze Inn










Bathroom in Bay Breeze Inn
Bathroom in Bay Breeze Inn
Bedroom, Bed in Bay Breeze Inn
My stay was made extremely pleasant by the staff. They were friendly and even the housekeeping was more than accommodating and friendly. They offered toiletries in case I needed extras and provided fresh towels. Check in was a breeze! Location is next to the freeway but I didn’t notice it. On top of that it was storming and windy when I looked out the window and wouldn’t have known unless I looked. The area seems questionable when you drive to it. But it’s very quiet and i felt safe and secure.


The property, which is very close to the Oakland Airport, is a motel, with the doors for the rooms opening directly to the outside. The room was plain and simple, but had everything needed for a comfortable one-night stay. The room was very clean, and the bed was very comfortable (although an extra blanket would have been welcome as it was quite cold in the room).


This place was so clean and didn't smell bad at all. We had a very good experience. It was our first time staying in this type of hotel. Also, I didn't know there was housekeeping available. They came and replaced some staff, not my bed but things is like towels and shampoo/conditioner (not sure if they cleaned the room).


The staff is nice and friendly they make sure to accommodate your needs the best way they can and they will also be lenient with the deposit and work with you if you are short full price. The staff here is very well mannered and respectful to their guests and very polite.


I like that there was so many food options right outside the hotel. I like that there was a vending machine with a variety of things from sparkling water to regular water. I also liked that there were plugs for all the chargers I had.


My stay was made extremely pleasant by the staff. They were friendly and even the housekeeping was more than accommodating and friendly. They offered toiletries in case I needed extras and provided fresh towels. Check in was a breeze! Location is next to the freeway but I didn’t notice it. On top of that it was storming and windy when I looked out the window and wouldn’t have known unless I looked. The area seems questionable when you drive to it. But it’s very quiet and i felt safe and secure.


The property, which is very close to the Oakland Airport, is a motel, with the doors for the rooms opening directly to the outside. The room was plain and simple, but had everything needed for a comfortable one-night stay. The room was very clean, and the bed was very comfortable (although an extra blanket would have been welcome as it was quite cold in the room).


This place was so clean and didn't smell bad at all. We had a very good experience. It was our first time staying in this type of hotel. Also, I didn't know there was housekeeping available. They came and replaced some staff, not my bed but things is like towels and shampoo/conditioner (not sure if they cleaned the room).


The staff is nice and friendly they make sure to accommodate your needs the best way they can and they will also be lenient with the deposit and work with you if you are short full price. The staff here is very well mannered and respectful to their guests and very polite.


I like that there was so many food options right outside the hotel. I like that there was a vending machine with a variety of things from sparkling water to regular water. I also liked that there were plugs for all the chargers I had.


My stay was made extremely pleasant by the staff. They were friendly and even the housekeeping was more than accommodating and friendly. They offered toiletries in case I needed extras and provided fresh towels. Check in was a breeze! Location is next to the freeway but I didn’t notice it. On top of that it was storming and windy when I looked out the window and wouldn’t have known unless I looked. The area seems questionable when you drive to it. But it’s very quiet and i felt safe and secure.


The property, which is very close to the Oakland Airport, is a motel, with the doors for the rooms opening directly to the outside. The room was plain and simple, but had everything needed for a comfortable one-night stay. The room was very clean, and the bed was very comfortable (although an extra blanket would have been welcome as it was quite cold in the room).


This place was so clean and didn't smell bad at all. We had a very good experience. It was our first time staying in this type of hotel. Also, I didn't know there was housekeeping available. They came and replaced some staff, not my bed but things is like towels and shampoo/conditioner (not sure if they cleaned the room).


The staff is nice and friendly they make sure to accommodate your needs the best way they can and they will also be lenient with the deposit and work with you if you are short full price. The staff here is very well mannered and respectful to their guests and very polite.


I like that there was so many food options right outside the hotel. I like that there was a vending machine with a variety of things from sparkling water to regular water. I also liked that there were plugs for all the chargers I had.



4919 Coliseum Way, Oakland, 94601, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ

Bay Breeze Inn